Monday, September 1, 2008

I have been tagged

Ok so Jami tagged me I am suppossed to write 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 obsessions/collections, and 3 suprising facts and then tag 5 people well here it goes:

I love waking up in the morning and seeing all three boys snuggled up hugging eachother on one twin sized bed asleep.

I love the smell, soft skin and hair of a brand new baby- (especially my brand new baby girl Bella).

I love it when Zavier sings "I am a child of God" it makes me cry.(I had no idea he knew it until one day I caught him playing while singing it- I guess they do pay attention)

Ok I know I am only supposed to say three but I love mine and Jose's late night pillow talks its like a slumber party with my best friend every night.

One of my children getting sick with a terminal illness or of one of my babies dying.

Loosing my husband and having to raise my children without their father.

One of my children falling away from the gospel and never come back.

Ok I am a hygienist and I am obsessed with clean teeth after I brush my teeth at night I will not eat or drink juice - only water. I do the same with my boys they hate the rule "no eating after you brush your teeth"

I am obsessed with my kids clothes and shoes whenever they go some where to spend the night or to the babysitter I want all their socks, clothes and shoes back- I pretty much have their wardrobe memorized so I know if I'm missing something. Jose and his mom and sister think its funny how I obsess over it.

Well I usually have phases where I obsess about a certain thing so right now I am obsessed with making bows for Bella to match all of her outfits. Who knows what I will obsess about in a couple of months.

Ok it is gross but I like to pick I am a picker- maybe that is why I chose my profession I like to pick tarter of peoples teeth especially when there is a lot and it's black it will just fly off with my instrument (ok maybe too graphic sorry). I also like to pick pimples I can't stand seeing a pimple that is white- but I don't like picking other peoples just mine and Jose's and when my kids get them in the future they will hate me- if it's an issue we will defintely see a dermatologist I feel bad for kids who have bad acne.

I grew up with three older brothers so I had to hold my own. Well in grade school none of the boys messed with me but one little boy was lifting up my friend Beckys dress so I gave him a bloody nose - I was quite the tom boy even though I dressed like a girl my parents insisted I act like a lady-I eventually grew out of that stage and found makeup and boys to be interesting.

Jose and I have gone to school together since 3rd grade but we did'nt kow eachother until 6th grade when we were in the same class Mrs. Winfield and I hated him with a passion he would tease me in computer class all the time he was so mean who new I would fall in love and we would wind up happily married with four beautiful babies.

Julie Hawley
Julie Butler
Ami Bethea
Stefany Pew
Audrie Williams


Jami Baker said...


Ok, I could have guessed that Jose was one of those annoying kids who teased girls and was mean. That seriously sounds like him....I mean, Jose is a such a sweetheart and never teases anyone! :) LOL And I totally agree with you about the picking. I am a picker. Caleb had little blackheads and it took all I had to not pick them. But, are we still on for lunch on Wednesday??

Anonymous said...

yeah! I'm so glad to get some dirt one you! not like I'm gonna use it! HA. that was a fun little post! keep 'em coming and don't forget your site & login again!!!

Stephanie said...

Jose only picked on you because he thought you were cute! That is what boys do:) I love all the pictures of your beautiful baby! I love the bows too:)

Jenn Fort Haderlie said...

Traci, Your little Bella is beautiful! You finally got your girl! :) I added you to my blog, check us out
